
This environmental awareness model project allows users to compare different environmental variables with each other to find interesting correlations or information. Our goal is that we hope users will leave this website having a better understanding and awareness of the variables related to the environment and environmental issues.

Compare Per Country

Data Insight

1. Some countries may not have data or just one data point and it will return a nan for the r-value.
2. Some countries have data but not enough data so keep in mind that the less data there is, the more inaccurate the r-value will be.
3. Keep in mind that the r-value ranges are between -1 and +1.
4. The closer the r-value is to -1 or +1, the higher the correlation.
5. The World country variable is an average of the available data for each environmental variable from around the world.

Get Correlations for Certain Range

Data Insight

1. Select a positive r-value coefficient (r-value ranges are between -1 and +1).
2. It will choose countries that are greater than the positive of your chosen r-value and lower than the negative of your chosen r-value.
3. It will return nothing if the range you chose does not have any countries in that range.
4. Keep in mind that the closer the r-value is to -1 or +1, the higher the correlation.

Compare Correlation for All Years

Data Insight

1. This shows the correlation of variables from all the countries and plotted based on year.
2. Terrestrial and marine protected areas do not have enough data and will display a empty graph with no line.
3. Keep in mind that the closer the r-value is to -1 or +1, the higher the correlation.
4. Most line charts will have a constant or flat line since correlation does not really change over time.